Thursday, July 21, 2016

Laila Rice Production in Brunei

Oryza sativa, the scientific name of rice and also can be called paddy. In Brunei there are various names of rice variety, ranging from traditional breed to the modern, 21st century variety of rice. Some of the few traditional breeds are Bario, Adan, Pusu, Padi Janggut, Padi Pulut and a few more which maybe forgotten since the practice of modern ways. On the other hand, modern breed such as: Laila (formerly known as BDR1), BDR5 and MRQ (Malaysian Research Quality) is currently under production with variable yields with more differences and shorter maturity periods.

The variety Laila was introduced on August 3rd, 2009 by His Majesty the Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah as a benchmark for all farmers towards self-sufficiency of rice production in Negara Brunei Darussalam.

Laila is one of the inbred type of rice plant which can be re-planted after harvest. This type of rice plant is far more different than traditional varieties and said to be more resistant to pest and diseases. This variety is planted in swampy areas which is generally favorable for modern rice.
Characteristics of Laila rice plant:
  • Plant height: 95cm – 100cm
  • Maturity period: 105 – 110 days
  • Maturity class: Early maturity
  • Weight (1000 seeds): 26.2g
  • Average yield: 5.0 – 6.8 tons/ha
  • Shape and size: Long rice
(Source: Monograf Istilah Peribumi Nama-Nama Padi, 2010 (Monograph of Definition of Rice Names, 2010)

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